About Nacre

Singer and composer of angelic cinematic vocals. Pure and ethereal music to inspire our imagination.

Her songs are only vocal melodies without lyrics to leave all the space to the musical atmosphere and the voice. They are also without lyrics to stimulate the imagination and the instincts within each listener all through a peaceful atmosphere

Nacre finds inspiration for her music in Gregorian songs (in particular, Hildegarde Von Bingen), in french melodies and movie soundtracks. The artists has worked in those musical styles since she was a child.

« Nacre » is a stage name to represent, through the music, the symbol of purity, love and immortality.

Nacre believes that the musical world needs relaxing vocal songs without lyrics to return to a more primitive world, a world of pure emotion and loving expressions of humans. Nacre believes that she can positively modify states of minds with her music.

The emotion only comes from the pure voice and the accompanying music. The artist believes that it is precious to free the listeners' minds which is not a common thing nowadays.